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3 Reasons Why Businesses Fail at Marketing

Some good, solid information about why businesses fail when it comes to marketing, and how you can do it better. When it comes to marketing a business the frequent complaint from small biz owners is that marketing rarely works or just isn’t worth the expense. For...

Marketing Proves Greatest Small Business Challenge

Some easy to implement tips about marketing your business effectively. Small business owners and entrepreneurs focus on marketing with good cause. Small businesses need marketing to promote their new products and services and to build a strong, loyal customer base. So...

Marketing 101: What is conversion?

Always good to refresh yourself on the basics. “I recently attended an event on social media for film and video professionals. There were four panelists: two social media experts and two video pros who are very active in using social media to market their work....

New products launches: Strategies You Need to Know

If you have a new product launch coming up, then you need to check out this article from Socialnomics “Salespeople crave for new product launches. They believe new product boosts, otherwise laggard, sales. The reason behind the believe is new product draws more...

How to Effectively Brand Your Small Business

Branding a small business is a must if you want to succeed in a competitive world. The importance of branding a business disregarding its size is based on not only real benefits, products and services that your business possesses, but also an image concept that all...